How Cancer Industry Started Cut Poison Burn Protocol

Have you heard about the Hidden Business of Cancer?

Have you thought that the cancer treatment might be the business?

Might it be the truth behind the cancer business?

Have you heard that cancer is the second most common cause of death in the US, exceeded only by heart disease?

Have you heard that one in every two men and one in every three women in the US will suffer from cancer at some point in their lives?

What do you think if the mortality rate has remained the same for cancer for 50 years?

Have you thought that it might be the hidden truth behind the cancer business?

Do you recognize the influence and power of medical monopolies institutions?

Do you acknowledge the power of pharmaceutical companies and government agencies in the business that keeps them profitable and relevant?

Have you thought about the policy that prevent parents from freely choosing cancer treatment options for their children?

Do Americans have right to choose the modality of treatment for their cancer?

Have you thought about that the best results for the cancer industry and not a cancer patient?

Have you heard about the drug companies threatened by alternative cancer treatments that can't be patented or produce sufficient profits?

Have you thought about the powerful organizations that clearly have their eye on the money instead of cancer victims' best interests?

Have you heard that one cancer patient, from diagnosis to death is typically worth a whopping $350,000 and in some cases, over a million dollars, to the lucrative cancer industry?

Can you imagine a more perfect setup for this big business?

If there's a group that's been blocking every time powerful, effective, no side-effects and very cheap new cancer treatments have come out over the last 50 years, how do you feel if that's why cancer treatments are so far in place?

Despite over $2.7 trillion spent on research and treatment, 14,800,000 Americans have died from cancer since 1971.
In 2009 alone, 565,000 – or 1,548 people every day – lost their lives to the dreaded disease.

What do you think about this?
In the next 3 years, more individuals will die from cancer than ALL the U.S. soldier deaths from EVERY war since the American Revolution.

What's going on?

Perhaps Charles B. Simone, M.MS., M.D., Founder of the Simone Protective Cancer Center sums up
"Little or no progress in the treatment of adult cancers has been made.
A man or woman who gets prostate or breast cancer today will live as long as the person who developed these same cancers in 1920.
Nothing we've done in a century has substantially reduced deaths."

What do you think of this perfect setup for the cancer business?

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